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Kommentar I prefer phone to mobile, although I agree with other BE speakers that you can shorten mobile phone either way. He's playing on his phone and he's playing with his phone I think can be virtual synonyms -- on his phone doesn't have to mean playing a specific game, although it often does. But it can just mean fiddling around with his phone. Seems like there are many instances out there see above where people do just say, "Call me on my cell.

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Kommentar Foam, bone, etc. Most examples do end simply on cell. I made the mistake in 9 of saying "always" when I should have known better. Words like "always" and "only" etc.

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But in subsequent posts I tried to modify my stance a bit by saying that "most Americans" would say "cell phone" instead of just "cell. Kommentar I agree with dude that most commonly heard in the U. But this shortened form is most common when the speaker is stressing a distinction between a landline and a cell phone number or an email address or a cell phone number, etc. If I am specifically referring to the object, the phone itself, I'm pretty sure I'd be stressing the phone part and not the word cell Sorry, but that just sounds way wrong and I'm sure other Americans would agree..

Kommentar I agree with the last two comments. Cell phone is standard and more common, but just cell seems to be in use as well. In welchem Forum wollen Sie eine neue Anfrage starten? Hier sehen Sie Ihre letzten Suchanfragen, die neueste zuerst.

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  8. Klicken Sie einfach auf ein Wort, um die Ergebnisse erneut angezeigt zu bekommen. Es werden teilweise auch Cookies von Diensten Dritter gesetzt. Danke für eure Vorschläge: Habe ich das richtig verstanden: Though note, as penguin also used, a Handy is usually just referred to as a mobile without "phone" in BE. Uh, I don't think so. FWIW, I get 46 actual hits for "call me on my sell phone.


    Noch ein Beleg gefällig? Ah, Leo has this usage too. I could have saved myself the "Belege". Ah, yes, the infallible Leo. I prefer phone to mobile, although I agree with other BE speakers that you can shorten mobile phone either way.
