More details are below: I am a big fan of Canon's cameras in this price range and use them extensively for my own video production. In fact I haven't needed to buy a new one in over 5 years because these cameras work so well for me. I picked this one up to see what Canon has done more recently. Video quality hasn't improved all that much from where things were a few years ago.
And it may be that there's just not much to improve upon at this price point. Low light is still pretty bad and grainy, but daylight shots are nice but a little over saturated in some of the auto modes. There still are some manual white balance and other controls to get a nicer image. I really like how the camera feels. Improvements in the size of the sensor have dramatically improved the camera's ability to maintain a steady shot even while handheld.
I also like the zoom - especially since it's possible to disable the digital stabilization and remap the focal length of the sensor to dramatically increase the optical zoom length. It's the equivalent of an mm lens on a 35mm camera! The image isn't all that sharp at that zoom level but it's certainly passable and impressive for a device so small.
I do suggest putting it on a tripod as it'll be nearly impossible to hold steady when zoomed in that far. Battery life has also improved over older models. The battery can power the camera for over 90 minutes which is dramatically better than the standard battery on prior models. All three models have memory card slots that take SD cards. The WiFI feature is pretty much useless.. It does allow camera control via a smartphone or tablet, but the video comes in choppy and delayed by a few seconds making realtime control impossible.
And while it does stream fluid video that can be recorded on your smartphone or tablet via WiFi, it's horribly compressed and looks terrible. You cannot stream to anything other than the app, so using online services with the camera are out of the question. With SD cards so inexpensive and the WiFi feature so useless, there's really no need to go with the 50 or the 52 unless you'd like to have some extra emergency storage. Otherwise the HF R is the best value of the three. I purchased this camera with my own funds Subscribe to my email list to get a weekly digest of upcoming videos!
TV store to purchase some of my previously reviewed items! Start a Patreon subscription! Check out the Cheap Cameras for Video list on Amazon here: USB Microphone that will work great with the Logitech webcam: This help support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! This also covers the affordable 4k camera called the Panasonic G7. There has been a lot of debate about what the best cheap HD camera is for Youtubers and filmmakers and this video seeks to find cheap video cameras worth your time and money.
If you are looking for the best cheap camera for youtube - check out this review video. I've bought a new videocamera! See my unboxing, review and example videos right here! Extra video of me talking about my feelings about my upcoming exchange year and stuff like that: This is a run through of the basic functions and my first impressions, comparing it to my old Sony Handycam.
Zum Schluss gibt es noch ein Fazit von mir. You can also view your camcorders contents, clip by clip, using your device's web browser without the need of an application. Wi-Fi sharing made simple. Find out more info: There is no doubt that this camera with the new sensor and processor offers an impressive improvement!

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