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It is an open secret that Stoll is interested in accelerating production. Apart from being flexible and reliable, productivity is a key element for the modern knitting machines. This increase was achieved by an even shorter carriage stroke, a faster carriage reversal and a yet higher carriage speed. The well-known fast carriage return of Stoll machines guarantees short knitting times due to the power RCR — in particular where knitting wear is concerned that requires a large number of short strokes.
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The comfortable height of all important machine elements enables an ergonomic working at the CMS machine. We are not only one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of flat knitting machines and pattern software, but are also one of the worldwide largest seller and buyer of second hand machines. The Stoll quality seal is unique. In our database on the internet you will find our large offer of Stoll-tested second hand machines, continuously updated. If required, we can also offer you a machine gauge conversion for used CMS machines.
WAC.3 Wyssen Avalanche Control Center • Wyssen Avalanche Control AG
If you would like to learn more about our offer on second hand — and presentation machines, simply click the link below. One of our many strengths is also the optimal supply of spare parts to our customers. Electronically controlled warehousing, specialized series production and close co-operation with our suppliers guarantee the highest possible delivery capability.
Individual transport solutions made to measure, long-term supply with genuine parts and short waiting times round-off our spare-parts service. Stoll is one of the few manufacturers worldwide, who produces their own electronic equipment. Apart from producing switch boards and switch cabinets, continuous running tests of control units were carried out and a manufacture of cables started.
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In July the Mooser und Stoll electronic was taken over completely by Stoll and carried on under the name of Stoll electronic GmbH. The production of SMD Surface-Mounted Device , surface mountable building components and the production of installation cable sets was started.
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In addition to the production of components for the Stoll machines, PCBs, small devices and controls for various applications were manufactured. For more information visit www.

With the Stoll Software Solutions unique tools are available that not only considerably simplify your daily work , but also make a perceptible difference to your balance sheets. From the communication with your machine to the pattern creation up to the reduction of downtimes - now you are always on the right side. A special highlight is the new Design Software area.