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During the installation of this update, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with Administrative rights. To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding.

It is highly recommended that you print out these instructions as a reference during the installation process. Download and Installation Instructions Please follow the steps below to download and install the driver.
Go to the directory where the file was downloaded and double-click the. EXE file to begin the installation. At the Finished screen, click Finish.

At This system must be restarted to complete the installation , click OK to reboot the system. The installation of the driver is completed. Reparatur, Garantie und Ersatzteile Eine Reparatur buchen, verfolgen oder sogar vermeiden.
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Es tut uns leid,. Manual installation instruction 1.
Exit all running programs 2. Download this update and save it to your hard drive 3. When the download is completed, locate the downloaded file inthe location you specified 4.
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Wait while the wizard updates your software 6. When the installation is complete, restart the VAIO. Registrieren Sie Ihr Produkt. Reparatur, Garantie und Ersatzteile.
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