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The leak itself is called Vault7. Of course there is no confirmation at all from the CIA whether the leaked data is true or not. And they should have as a state agency like CIA needs to protect citizens. In a computerized world it is inevitable that they have a powerful arsenal of cyber tools and cyber weapons. Reading through the documents it becomes clear that a wide scope is covered.
What has happened
The CIA seems to be targeting just nearly everything: It runs more than projects. Different subgroups deal with all the topics mentioned above. The wide scope of attacked devices is not limited to PCs and network devices. They seem to have several exploits for iOS and Android and by that they can sideload or install other apps or programs which are e. When activated the TV just looks like it is switched off.
First Targeted iPhone Spyware Discovered -Update Your iOS Software Immediately
But the camera and the microphone still records data. This effectively turns a SmartTV into a Orwell style televisor. There is no evidence of them doing so remotely over the Internet.
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Samsung has reacted and is already looking into the possible bug. The CIA has several strategies to evade detection and analysis. It utilizes encryption where useful. There are also several means to covertly transmit data to the machine or away from it. This comprises using Alternate Data Streams Brutal Kangaroo , unused space inside files and hiding data inside images. This is a consequent step as routers are core technology for network access and flaws in their firmware or software can be very beneficial for agencies.
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