If a chat is in progress, the existing session is opened, otherwise a new session is started. Tapping on the blue arrow to the right of each contact will open up an info screen for that contact, allowing you to add the contact to your favorites, move them to a different group, or initiate a chat session. The Contacts section provides a listing of your iPhone contacts which you can select to either add to your buddy list or send a free SMS message directly from within the AIM app.
Note that SMS messages can only be sent to U. The My Info tab shows your own AIM profile in a similar manner to that shown for other users, and also allows you to change your status, sign out, view your location information, and adjust your preferences. Settings available in the AIM app include the ability to choose your preferred icon set, sort your buddy lists, enable or disable sounds, configure location sharing and enable SMS or push notifications.
The push notification settings can be further customized to control how long you remain signed in after existing the AIM app and how much information you want presented in the pop-up window that appears when you receive a chat message via Push Notification. Note that AIM supports only text-based chats, and provides no ability to send pictures, audio or emoticons.
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Although not a particularly sophisticated IM app, it has a nice, clean user interface; it works reasonably well for those users who only use AIM or iChat and are looking for a simple text-based IM app at a reasonable price. With the release of iPhone OS 3. Landscape mode is also fully supported throughout the application. Beejive uses a typical iPhone interface layout, with buttons at the bottom of the screen for a Buddy List, Favorite Buddies, Chats in progress, Accounts and status, and More.
Notably, a search option is also available, and useful to quickly find a specific contact if you have a large number of buddies. Tapping a contact name will initiate a chat session with that contact, while tapping the arrow to the right of the name will allow you to view or edit the contact info.

As a nice touch, each contact is linked to their corresponding iPhone contact list record when available, allowing you to not only view more detailed contact information, but initiate calls or send SMS or e-mail messages directly from the contact record. Tapping a phone number will prompt you to either make a phone call or send an SMS message, then will open the appropriate iPhone application to do so.
Pressing on an e-mail address composes a new message to that user using the in-app e-mail capabilities introduced in iPhone OS 3. On the accounts tab, you can view the list of accounts you have configured for various IM services, add new accounts, or modify the status for each account either individually or globally for all accounts.
Custom status messages can be set per-account or globally for all accounts, and any custom status messages you enter are automatically saved for later use. The More section allows you to view buddies by account or by group, view support information, or set a background wallpaper to use in place of the standard grey backdrop.
Several options are available when chatting with a user. Chats are shown as iChat-style speech balloons, and typing a new chat displays a nice bezeled style entry overlay, with a button to add emoticons. Tapping on the name at the top of the screen provides a drop-down menu bar from which you can send out a transcript of the current chat via e-mail, attach a picture either from the camera or the saved photo library, record and attach an audio clip, or clear the content of the current chat.
iPhone Gems: iPhone OS Instant Messaging (IM) Apps | iLounge Article
Although the default is to use web links, direct sending can be configured in the Beejive preferences. This is handled quite intelligently—Beejive will transparently fall back to uploading to an online service and sending a web link when direct sending fails. Similarly, attachments can be received by Beejive. This includes not only audio clips, pictures and video clips but also other file types supported by the iPhone, such as Word documents and PDF files.
When a user tries to send you an attachment, you are shown a chat message notifying you of the attachment.
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Tapping on the message will display the attachment size and prompt you as to whether you want to download it or not. In addition to being viewed directly from the chat window, received attachments can also be forwarded to another user via IM or forwarded out via e-mail by tapping on the blue arrow to the right of the received item. Photos also include an option to save them to your camera roll. With Beejive, this is handled transparently to the sender; they simply send over the attachment as they normally would if you were using a desktop client.
Of course, Push Notifications can appear when you receive a new message, but the status notification can be useful to advise the sender that you may not respond as quickly. As an added bonus, when you open Beejive it displays a preview of the last received messages from each contact directly within the Chats list. You can customize how many lines of preview information are shown in the Beejive settings. Beejive is the most advanced IM application presently available for the iPhone. It is currently the only IM application with support for video on the iPhone 3GS, as well as the ability to directly send audio, photo and video files in a chat session without having to upload attachments to third-party servers and send web links, and the only app that can receive any kind of attachments at all.
Users sign up for a Fuze Messenger account, which can be done through the iPhone app itself, and then configure other services from there. Fuze provides a relatively basic interface, with support for text chat messages and emoticons but little else. Status messages are supported globally, but not on a per-account basis and there is no support for sending of photos or audio attachments.
Fuze does not provide any support for Push Notifications at this point, although the app will stay online via the Fuze proxy server even after you exit it; any received messages are queued up and delivered when and if you next open the app. At the very least this means that your Fuze account password acts as a single access point to all of your configured IM services through the Fuze application. Ultimately, Fuze is nothing particularly exciting except for its free pricing, and users with very simple text-based IM needs may find it to be a reasonable option for what it does.
The lack of true Push support at this stage places it a large step behind the free version of AIM, though its broader IM service compatibility may satisfy some users, anyway. The Lite version is ad-supported and does not provide Push Notification capabilities, but is otherwise identical to the paid version. Multiple accounts are also supported for most services. Contacts, Inbox, Favorites, Status and More.
Contact avatars are shown and an icon appears to the right of each name indicating which service the contact is using.
Like Beejive, a Search option is also available here, and can not only be used to search contacts, but also to filter the contact list to only include contacts from specific IM services. The Inbox stores active conversations, including Twitter replies and Direct Messages if you have a Twitter account configured. Within a chat session, emoticons are available, and voice messages and pictures can be sent through a web-based service.
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As with most of the other IM apps with voice and picture support, the recipient receives a link to view or download the attached image or recording. An option is also available to send a link to a map with your current location marked. A generic message is provided, but custom messages with location information can also be set up.
Accounts can be added or removed, as well as temporarily toggled on or off from the Accounts section. Some of its other unique features include its ability to use your current location information in your status or send it out as a map link in your chats, and its support for Skype instant messaging. Nimbuzz is a free instant messaging application that uses a third-party proxy service similar to that found in Fuze and Palringo. Upon starting Nimbuzz, you are prompted to register for an account with the Nimbuzz online service, after which you are taken through the process of setting up your specific IM apps.
Nimbuzz provides VoIP based calling services in addition to instant messaging, as well as a few Nimbuzz-specific services such as e-mail type communications with other Nimbuzz users. The main Nimbuzz screen provides a list of your IM contacts with your own information and status shown at the top of the screen and a search field that can be used to find specific contacts. Tapping a contact provides the ability to either send a photo or start a chat. Oddly, photos can only be sent from this screen, and not from within the chat conversation itself, although the photo link is sent to the recipient as an instant message.
Within a chat session, only text-based chats are supported, although emoticons are also available for insertion. Chats in progress are displayed in the Chats section, but are not preserved across sessions—the Chats section is cleared when exiting the app. Nimbuzz provides limited support for Push Notifications: Re-opening the app to see the message requires location of the Nimbuzz icon on your home screen.
As with Fuze, Nimbuzz provides its own online service that acts as a proxy for all of your IM accounts, meaning your account credentials are stored on the Nimbuzz servers, and your Nimbuzz userid and password acts as a single gateway to all of your configured IM services. Again, this may be a security or privacy concern for some users, but may make little difference to others. Nimbuzz is a relatively basic IM client that may be of interest to users of other Nimbuzz services or who are looking for a VoIP client as well as an IM application, but even with a free price tag it falls far short of the capabilities offered by competing applications.
The lack of full-featured Push will be a show-stopper for some users; its support for some of the less popular IM services may endear it to others. Although Palringo previously offered a single version of its instant messaging application for free, it now appears to have split into two separate versions: As with Fuze and Nimbuzz, Palringo provides its own IM service that you must first sign up with before configuring your other instant messaging services.
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IM user accounts and passwords are stored on the Palringo server which logs into your IM services on your behalf. If you already have a Palringo account you can sign in when starting the app and choose to have it remember your password for future access. If not, Palringo will take you through the process of setting up a new account. Settings that are available include font size, the ability to change status when exiting Palringo, whether or not to permit the device to sleep while Palringo is running, settings for contact and group notifications and an anti-spam setting.
A Premium version setting to unlock Landscape mode also appears on this screen. Palringo supports status settings globally or on a per-account basis. Custom status messages can be used for each account, and can even include location information. Note that custom status messages are only available on a per-account basis and cannot be set globally for all accounts. Within a chat, Palringo allows voice and picture messages to be sent by tapping on the button in the top-right corner of the chat screen.
Emoticons can also be inserted using the button on the bottom-right. Palringo Lite does not presently provide any support for Push Notifications. The Palringo App Store page indicates that the next version will provide Push Notification support and is apparently under review by Apple at this time, a message that has been on the page since roughly the date that iPhone OS 3.
Apart from its present lack of Push support, a major dealbreaker for many people, Palringo Lite continues to be one of the better free IM apps available. As the name implies, Yahoo! Messenger is a free client for users of the Yahoo! The interface is clean and simple, displaying only three sections: Contacts can be added, deleted and updated from the contacts screen. When in a chat, photos can be attached from the camera or the photo library, and these are sent directly to the recipient rather than via an intermediate service.
Emoticons are supported within the chat window as well as sending URLs from a list of previously-used links. Tapping on the IM button to the left of the text entry field will allow you to toggle between sending Yahoo! IMs and sending SMS messages. The Settings screen provides only a few basic settings to adjust between three predefined status messages, customizing the sort order of contacts, and whether or not to display offline contacts and enable landscape mode.
Note that landscape mode is only supported within the chat screen itself; all other interface elements are shown in portrait mode only. So it should probably come as no surprise if people traipsing up a mountain with its own death zone don't give too much thought to one particular. The property owner said the International Harvester Metro van was there when he bought the land from someone with a connection to Aerosmith.
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